03 November 2010

What Halloween?

I have a split second to catch my breath in between our exams, practicles and extern headaches to write something. I can't believe that Halloween has come and gone already. The end of the term is zipping towards us and I still feel like I have just started. Its easy for me to get swamped down with the due dates, exams and everything in between; I promised myself last year that I would stay on track better so that I could afford to take a break every now and again. But, once again, the term has taken my stress to the next level and I can no longer see the forest for the tress. One of my closest friends in the world was in Ashland this past weekend and I coundn't even find the time to shoot down to catch up. The work load, and my own desire to be one of the best at what I do, have over run my life. I long for the days when I can hit the gym on a regular bases and actually enjoy some time off.
As for the mess at school, I am trying to be as positive as Melissa and focus on puting the best spin on it as I can.
Hope everyone is doing really well and enjoying the warm snap we are having. Keep sending us your good vibes.
Thanks- C
Melissa as Medusa for Halloween

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